Biopolymer Tubes

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biopolymer-tubesBerlin Packaging UK offers biopolymer tubes for skincare, lotions, creams & pastes. These are low carbon alternatives & help with the environmental effects on pollution. These tubes are also 100% recyclable which is a great factor for brands seeking a positive impact for their consumers.

Biopolymer Tubes

35mm Biopolymer Tubes

SKU: TB-03B-45
Capacity D35 x H117 (75ml), D35 x H146 (100ml), D35 x H79 (40ml), D35 x H90 (50ml) Stocked Non-Stock Item Colour Match Colourmatch

Biopolymer Tubes

40mm Biopolymer Tubes

SKU: TB-04B-45
Capacity D40 x H119 (100ml), D40 x H140 (125ml), D40 x H161 (150ml), D40 x H85 (50ml), D40 x H98 (75ml) Stocked Non-Stock Item Colour Match Colourmatch